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Home → MYTorus Examples → NGC 4388
MYTorus fits to Suzaku data for the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388 show that the line-of-sight column density is $\sim 2.6 \times 10^{23} \ {\rm cm^{-2}}$, and that the global average column density is consistent with this. The Compton-thin scattered continuum component can be seen in blue (labeled CS) in panel (a). It is also clear that the Compton-thin component is the dominant continuum component between $\sim 2-3$ keV. Standard disk-reflection models cannot model this component because the column density in those models is simply assumed to be infinite. The line-of-sight, direct (unscattered, or zeroth-order) contininuum component is shown in orange in panel (a), and labeled as “Z.” Note that the Fe K$\alpha$ and Fe K$\beta$ emission lines are self-consistently calculated and give an excellent fit to the data. It follows from what has been said above, that these emission lines originate in Compton-thin matter in this AGN. This could not be deduced by applying ad hoc disk-reflection models such as pexrav or pexmon.